Orphans International would like to thank everyone that supported this trip to the Ukraine financially, donating suitcases full of aid and in prayer.
Orphans International would like to thank everyone that supported this trip to the Ukraine financially, donating suitcases full of aid and in prayer.
We are extremely grateful to you all and you have really made a huge difference to those in a war situation.
Here is a summary of our trips.
We left Suceava Romania in a convoy of 10 vans full of aid to go into Ukraine. This was deemed a safe method of travel in a group.You can see photos at the border of the Ukrainian Refugees queuing on their way into Romania.
It was a surreal sight it felt like i was in a movie and not really there. It was a freezing day and snowing so we handed out chocolate to the children and scarves as you can see to 2 sisters that did not have warm coats on.
We went on to a Warehouse storing aid for distribution all over Ukraine some vehicles going up to 1200 kms away into the eastern region to hand out food. As you can see once the vehicles were unloaded the warehouse was very full. I cannot give any further details of the venue due to security reasons.
40 Refugees were being housed in this area – women, children and men who were either sick or had a pass not to fight in the war. We handed out toys – colouring books – teddies – sweets and bubbles to the children. The lady in a lilac jumper in the group picture told us that her home had been bombed and that she has no home left and was living in this shelter with her 2 year 2 month old son.
On our return into Romania we stopped at the border where there were many Aid Tents assisting the Refugees crossing. You can see Star of Hope tent assisting with beds in a very warm tent – food supplies – toiletries – baby food etc and general help to those who needed support and an ear to listen to their tragic stories. A Jewish Tent making hot soups and handing out food generally.
A Pet Tent etc.
A teacher with her daughter in the Peach jacket had lost everything – and they were on their way to Hungary not knowing what their future would be. The older lady sitting in the tent was distraught having left Kharviv her home city which was now in ruins on her way to Istanbul where her daughter lived. All very disturbing and extremely sad situations.
Our second trip into Ukraine was to a different area working with a Pastor who was assisting and housing Refugees. The Pastor and his wife had been housing up to 150 Refugees in their Church building when the war first started. A lot of families had now moved on however we visited some who had fled Mariupol again left with nothing there apartments buildings being bombed.
You can see shrapnel damage to Uri’s car boot from a bomb, who had also fled with his wife and 6 month old son.
The other family in the photo also lost everything and their young blond twenty year old daughter was so traumatised because a bomb exploded near her she had been left deaf for a few days and now had PTSD and was being treated for her mental condition. Again such sorrowful stories.
All the people we met were so grateful for us coming to support them from England and we were able to make them feel loved and show they were not alone and the outside world did care about them.
With many thanks again for your care and concern.
– Annabel
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